CO2API provides you with the most up-to-date emission factors in the world

Unlock the most streamlined access to our climate and biodiversity impact factor database, facilitating efficient impact monitoring and seamless integration of sustainability measurement features into any software.

CO2API brings you the most comprehensive collection of emission factors for carbon calculations. The emission factor database can be connected to your own solutions like ERP or Excel through easy-to-use API.

What is CO2API?

CO2API is data interface for acquiring conversion factors needed for environmental impact calculations like carbon footprinting and biodiversity impacts.

Use cases

Through this API, you can integrate environmental information into your own applications or website related to sustainability. The API enables the assessment of climate emissions from various actions and products. It provides emission factors for different resources and functions, allowing you to evaluate their environmental impacts.

Why do impact factors matter?

Monitoring and measuring of sustainability performance is based on factors that quantify the caused impact towards climate or biodiversity. Starting from Carbon Footprint calculations to even more advanced applications, you need means to quantify and monitor your impact and performance.  

CO2API provides the best way to access and use impact factors. Through this API, you can integrate environmental information into your own applications, software or website related to sustainability. The API enables the assessment of climate emissions from various actions and products. It provides emission factors for different resources and functions, allowing you to evaluate their environmental impacts. Our constantly updated database ensures that your sustainability related applications are always using the most up-to-date information.  


Make a Query:

Send an HTTP request to the API by specifying the necessary parameters. For instance, you can inquire about emission factors for a particular product, activity, or service.

Example Query:


Receive a Response:

The API returns a JSON-formatted response containing the emission factor for the selected item. You can use this information for environmental impact assessment or the development of other applications.

Example Response:

   { “factor_id”: “test”, “factor_type”: “test”, “target_year”: “2022”, “target_country”: “USA”,
    “factor_value”: 0.543465, “factor_lang”: “EN”, “factor_description”: “Testing”, “factor_unit”: “test”,
    “factor_output_unit”: “test”, “data_source”: “test”, “factor_category”: “test” }

Total numbers of emission factors


How does this service work? What is this API?

This API functions as emission factors provider, delivering data based on specific requests.

What kind of queries can I get from this API?

 The API can accommodate various query types, allowing users to access emission factors tailored to their needs.

How can this API help improve business?

Users can expect to receive accurate and up-to-date emission factors from the API.

Why should I choose this particular API?

This API can play a crucial role in improving environmental sustainability by offering essential data for emissions reduction plans.

Where do you get the emission factors?

Emission factors are gathered from credible environmental databases, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Do I need programming skills to use this API?

No programming/coding skills are required to use this API, as it offers simple integration options.

Is API paid or free?

The API offers paid plans, and you can find detailed pricing information on our website.

How quickly can I receive a result?

You can expect quick responses from the API, typically within milliseconds or seconds.


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CO2API – the emission factor database